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bonkers555 said:
Smashed said:
bonkers555 said:
You will be the laughing stock of VgChartz maybe after tomorrow.

I'm still laughing at the fact that 360 fanboys still believe a MGS game will go exclusive on their console, just gives me a chuckle every now and then.

Lets see what Sony lost to the 360 this gen.

Devil May Cry check--Capcom

Grand Theft Auto check--Rockstar

Final Fantasy check--Square Enix

Star Ocean check--Square Enix

Tekken check--Namco/Bandai

I wonder who the last one laughing?  More PS2 games moved to the 360 then xbox games moving to the PS3.

BTW I own MGS4 and its a overrated game/movie.¤t=IMG_2705.jpg" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

None of the games you listed have anything to do with Kojima or Konami and their business.


Whether MGS4 is overrated or not is a discussion for a different time.