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rckrz6 said:
Shadowblind said:
rckrz6 said:
dsister44 said:
it is rumored that ms is going to buy them

Theres less then a 1/1000000 chance that is happening. I guess no one has been following the news.  take 2 and 3drealms are in a law suit right now over duke.  how is microsoft going to buy it.

Well for one thing it was STRONGLY rumored that DNF was a 360 console exclusive to begin with. Second thing is that T2 is suing 3D Realms over their inability to produce the game DNF over 12 years, sinking 12 mil into the development, not over Duke rights itself.

It was also for pc,  I belive part of the agreement was that 3drealms was to keep the code intact and not sell it. which leads me to believe there trying to get the rights

Its possible. I know T2 offered the game's creator 30million for the rights to the game franchise, but he refused.

In other news, pbroy brought up another game: Nano.Strike, which may be the Epic game, or a different 360 exclusive by the creators of Painkiller.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.