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Arius Dion said:
BMaker11 said:
Arius Dion said:
YesWiiCan: Your next thread should be a comparison 2.5 yrs in, between the two consoles in question. Also I think people have rose colored glasses when looking back at the history of the PS2. Yes it had great games like MGS2, but for every great game there were heaps of Spongebobs and bob the builder or christina aguilera's karaoke master.

Why is it that all of a sudden the crap games on Wii are the ones that get trumpeted the most by ppl who dont like the system? Like they bring up cooking mama as if there isn't a game by the name of Mario Galaxy, or Metroid Prime Corruption.

Because staple Nintendo franchises aren't gonna make the library look great. Besides your typical Nintendo franchises and a few good 3rd party games, what else is there? Crap, that's what. Whereas the PS2 had all it's great 1st party games, and many many GREAT 3rd party game. There was so much offered on both ends that the shovelware was an afterthought.

The only thing different about the Wii now, and the Gamecube is that since it's the marketleader, it gets most of the crap, but the library (outside of the crap) isn't that great, comparatively (to the PS2 or the HD consoles). I'd dare say they're all just updated Gamecube games (barring all the "Wii" titled games)

Are you kidding me?

yes he's kidding, no rational person would say "Nintendo franchises doesn't make a library look great" since they have some of the most awesome games =P.