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SaviorX said:
woopah said:
yeah i was gunna add something about NST and retro, but i dont really know what there doing

@ savior

if punchout was the exception whats S&P2?

@ soundwave

EAD are always busy. EAD 2,3,4 and 5 are al releasing games htis year. EAD 1 hasnt had enought time yet. oh and factor 5 isnt dead

We haven't heard anything new about Sin & Punishment 2 in  7 months, nothing.


Plus, that is a Treasure game.


since when does not hearing about a game in 7 months mean its cancelled? we havnt heard about a lot of those october games. doesnt mean ther enot releasing in japan


 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia