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yeah i know im not management or anything like that but what the hell, my precitions will be the msot accurate anyways :P


some are pretty safe, some are obvious, some are unlikely and some are downright crazy but what the hell


1. wii fit plus- will have online features and will come in 2 SKUs, one stand alone and another bundled with an ordinary balance board.

2. pikmin 3- developed by EAD4, will launch this year

3. pilotwings- developed by factor 5, will launch this year

4. mario party 9- utilising wii motion plus

5. mario & luigi 3- release this year

 6. Proffessor Layton- will release this year,  possibly August

7.DSi exclusive/enhanced games (first party or third party)

8. currently unannounced MotionPlus exclusive/enhanced games (first party or third party)

9. DS virtual handhled to launch. pokemon blue/red will be launch titles

10. sadness will appear at E3 in some form or another

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia