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Why does everyone say the Wii is for children??? I am 30 years old, and played games most my life. When i was younger, friends and girls thought it was immature. I had to play them in my room in discrete. When I got on my own, I just didnt care and found others my age who liked games as well.

BOTTOM LINE. I don't want to hear anyone on this site say the wii is for kids, or any sytem for that matter.  I will some questions and the ones who say NO are insecure and are probably only buying hardware to make up for what they do not have.


Question #1: Have you ever been to Chuck E Cheese pizza or Dave and busters, and do you like to go???

Question #2: Have you ever been to disneyland or a theme park for kids would you want to go????


If you answered no, then you obviously are insecure or maybe do not like kids. The point I am making is we are kids at heart no matter what age. you are only as old as you act. This was a very diplomatic post, and lets take the bets, anyone think anyone else will be offended or start something with me?? Or are we all going to agree?