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theprof00 said:
I think crazzy is trying to address the point that consumers are willing to part with 400$+, whereas you are focusing on the companies profits.

One talks about popularity and one talks about income. Of course it's always necessary to talk about all the factors in the situation but we aren't talking about all the facts are we? We are talking about only 2 aspects. I think any expansion on the original idea should have it's own thread.

The thread talks about selling power of the ps3. If anything in this thread should challenge it, it should be evidence against that popularity, which is the topic at hand.

In fact, because it is such a narrowly focused point, the thread should have been over a while ago. It's like arguing about which controller is better ps3 or 360 and then someone saying that 360 is a better system.

LOL Well, we should take note of a few things.

The Gamecube is simply a gaming console. Nothing more, nothing less. The Gamecube launched after the lukewarm reception of the Nintendo 64 (Nintendo still made a profit). There is no reason the Gamecube should have been priced higher than it was.

The Playstation 3 is touted as this generations most advanced console by many enthusiasts and Sony fanboys alike. It was also launched after the amazingly successful Playstation 2. For the longest time, the Playstation 3 was the cheapest and most functional blu-ray player on the market (a major advantage) backed by one of the largest brands in the gaming industry. Also, the market has grown since then. Market data supports this conclusion.

I mean, most expected the Playstation 3 to sell much better from the start. Everyone expected the Nintendo Gamecube to not perform well from the start. In fact, most believed the Gamecube was Nintendo's last console. So, why is it really that surprising that the PS3 is outselling the gamecube? Maybe this became such a triumph after the abysmal launch and first year sales of the PS3.

Is it really that hard to understand why the cheaper but more profitable Gamecube is being outsold by the more costly (but still taking a loss) Playstation 3? I mean, I used to strongly believe the hardcore videogamers (as well as comic book readers) possessed above average intelligence. But I guess I was totally ignorant to reality.

A better comparison would be the Nintendo Wii and the Playstation 2. I would love to see the Sony fanboys make that comparison.

Also: per console, the PS3 makes more income than the Gamecube did, but the Gamecube made a higher profit per console than the PS3 does.

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.