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@rol there definitely is some truth to that. But hasn't sony always sold consoles at a loss? That kind of argument would very well make all about Sony sales invalid. Hmm, rather, I think it is only part of the argument, but, in saying that.... I think it's important to note that you both have good points.

Your argument kind of implies that people are buying ps3 for the value. Since there is no way to tell how many people that is, it's kind of hard for this debate to be one-sided.
How much was the profit from GC sales when it hit 99$? If they had profit at that price, wouldn't it imply that Wii would be a similar cost? I really don't know.

I'm just going to trust you because you make a good point, some consumers might actually be buying ps3 simply because Sony is "undercutting" the market. Crazzyman you should listen to rol, but that doesn't make either of you right, so stop fighting :P