taomaster06 said:
well i had fun jski there was very little lag for me. i wouldn't have been able aim my pk thunder so well if it was lagging. your sheik has gotten better since i last played you. your moves became a little repetitive as we played though and i could pretty much predict what you were going to do lol. good games :) |
It was not a conten lag it was chopply and it would kick in from time to time just enofe to comply mess up my timing. As for being predictable things like F smash where input lag in that i was trying to do F tilts. Also there only so much you can do out of some things. I was able to tell when you where going to do your def attking the air infriot of you eheh i get your game your not so much attking me your just attking where i am going to be but it did not work that much for you.