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Silly people making silly comments. The Xbox 360's GPU has unified shaders and can therefore allocate more power into drawing triangles. At its peak, the 360 GPU can render 2X the polygons that the PS3's GPU can. Granted, this is pure polygons without anything else. Under real world circumstances, the 2 GPUs are capable of similar things, with the edge going to the 360. The only issue that would involve the cell are the physics behinds all the zombies at once, but I imagine they will be prebaked like in a lot of games.

If anything, I am asking, how can the PS3 do this? Lets take a conservative route and say each zombie is 1000 polygons.

7,000 zombies X 1,000 polygons X 30 DPS = 210,000,000 polygons a second.

The Xboox 360 can allocate a lot of shaders for this and draw them but everything else would be missing (textures, sound, shadows, etc)

The Playstation 3's GPU isn't capable of handling this many.


It will be interesting to see what they do.

Good news Everyone!

I've invented a device which makes you read this in your head, in my voice!