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Torillian said:
starcraft said:
Torillian said:

Starcraft probably wants the timezone for the East Coast of Australia. If I remember correctly that's where most Australians live.

edit: while I'm here, if you could keep any more timezone stuff in this thread Seece that would be great.  I just noticed you've made two so far and I don't want a ton of these floating around.  Thank you for figuring this out for others.

Yeah, I'm a Sydney dweller

@Seece.  Thanks mate.

I think I lived in Melbourne (sp) when I was there.  That's the capital right?  Might get it confused, was only there a year.

Canberra is the capital.  Funny story actually.  Sydney was going to be the capital, but then Melbourne had a whinge about that.  So Sydney said, well there is no way in hell Melbourne is the capital.  Then Hobart (in Tasmania) is like "well we could tr..." "SHUTUP" yelled Sydney and Melbourne in tandem.

Long story short, Canberra (which was virtually non-existant at the time) sprung up around halfway between Sydney and Melbourne to be the capital. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS