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Soriku said:
Onimusha12 said:
Like many Sony fanboys, Ckmlb couldn't handle the pressue of Sony's shortcommings being made public and the recent tensions brought forth by thier recent downward trend became too much. This may sound ridiculous and insulting but just to give you an idea of how devoted he was, he was perhaps one of the only members on this entire forum who thought the PS3 still has a chance of ending this generation as #1.

Yet instead of seeing the mounting evidence of Sony's mistakes as a gaming company and a PR machine up until his point, he lashes out at a scapegoat to spare himself the burden of acknowledging reality, that scapegoat is the Wii fanboy and this site's alleged "bias". Apparently an "unbiased" site would pretend nothing bad could ever happen to Sony and everything is just peachy.

What's really frustrating is how "Chad Wardens" like him and many others try and make this everyone else's problem as if its our fault thier system is struggling or that we are bad people for acknowledging the fact or posting news about it instead of just being content to sit here and listen to them regurgitate every little piece of P.R. tripe Sony feeds them. The fact of the matter is, six months ago, Wii and MS gamers would have put up with this and given the Sony gamers the benefit of the doubt. Now, we're just fucking sick and tired of this highschool drama bullshit and its fucking got to go.

This is not a Sony fan site. It is sales site. If something good happens to your console, you're going to hear about it. If something bad happens to your console, you're going to hear about it. It doesn't matter what the person's motives are posting the news article, if its true, its true. Live with it or find yourself a forum more tailored to your specific fandom. Just stop trying to make your poor choice in a gaming console someone else's problem.

He was the only mod to ever troll, yet his fan club (all Sony fanboys) would tell you he was the only unbiased mod *rolls eyes* and that it was the other mods with their Nintendo bias that were ruining this site.


Well shit there goes my credibility.