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Do you know what your average percent completion is for all of your games?

I'm going to have 35 platinums too by the end of the summer... ahh actually not. it should be more like 20-21 total unless I go back and complete a few games I didn't enjoy very much like Alone in the Dark and Eat Lead. Alone in the Dark is more tempting but what really turned me off from the game was the amount of times it froze on me. I couldn't complete the levels straight through without skipping sections due to the repeated lock ups.

The games I will hopefully get platinums for this summer are:

1. inFamous (i'm about halfway through my 1st play on the evil campaign on Hard, while getting all collectibles and taking over all territories) It's an awesome game.

2. Godfather II

3. Prototype

4. Ghostbusters

And 100% complete in Fat Princess and Trine (no platinums unfortunately)

Can't wait to play the Uncharted 2 beta next week also!