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Wait, first PS3 won't outsell Dreamcast. Then it won't outsell Gamecube/X-Box. Now we see that PS3 is outselling 360 and people want to rant about Sony losses as if Microsoft doesn't still have 9 billion more to go before they make a single dime off the console business. Oh but that's ok they can-lol- afford it. Just lay off another 17% of their workforce why not?

Lol at the nuts who say a pricecut doesn't matter when it was only last year that the 360 was on life support and being outsold by PS3 -yes even in America- every single month. Then what happened? MS cut the price of the 360 so low it's now closer in price to a PSP then a PS3.

There will be no Gears of War to save 360 this year. And with a lineup that pretty much entirely relies on DLC and expansions like Gay Tony and OSDT, frankly 360 fanboys better hope for a megamegaton at E3 this year, along the lines of they bought Nintendo.