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ok..Ive been following this thread from the begining (can't believe I'm actually posting arg!).

There is no point-counterpoint discussion from the individual who created this thread.  Everytime someone comes up with an intelligent, well-thought out, technical counter it is completely ignored.  The only things addressed by said person are the disputable portions of others threads without every adressing legitimate points.

The only comparison I can make is politicians, ignoring the legitimate arguments from one another and focusing in on how they can discredit the person thus drowning the message.

This is PR at best and a vain attempt to blind anyone willing to question at worst.  Your debate methods are flawed and the validity of anything you say quickly became overshadowed by your exremely weak methodologies for addressing legitimate counterpoints.  Any credibility you may or may not have had becomes irrelevent under such circumstances. 

You expect people to buy into your ethos, but all you use is pathos masked as logos. Using intrinsic information to derive extrinsic value is falwed logic and rhetoric. Selective data and misreprsentative comparisons do not a vaild point make. If casual reasoning and ambiguities are the only arguments that can be made then they can be dismissed out of hand.

AHHHH. I'm done, this is pointless.  Both individuals have to be willing to listen for discussion to take place and I'd rather hear nothing back than more formal and informal flawed logic arguing with what I've said.