Its samus. Her jab and f-tilt is one of the WORST in the game(in speed and usefullness) so that means fighting hand to hand is out of the question...especially since you are ZS and SHEIK(who has some of the best jabs/f-tilts in the game.
Samus HAS to spam to get anywhere. Lock on missles/Super missles/Charge shot and Zair makes up 80% of Samus style. The other 20% is trying to land a D-tilt/f-smash/D-air/D-smash. Which are all super slow and lag filled. So it leave spamming the ONLY option.
I apologize i didnt make it at least slightly enjoyable with you but Samus is low tier and i gotta do what it takes to win. Well, without going metaknight.