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killeryoshis said:
Aidman said:
Ocarina is the BEST game ever no one can deny it but you need to play it without any guide no !!! you'll lose everything that game had, and has and for always will have it's Legend.

and if you're looking for graphics there is the Wind Waker and A Link to the Past their graphics are immortal and this is one of three reason why I always place them above Ocarina.

I usaully go steal people's games for saying that.  Pikmin is the best game of all time well for me
BTW I deny its the best game ever. Its overrated. I played the game before I played pikmin
so don't think of that. Back the game seems really outdated. Even today its outdated. Wind
Waker was way better in my opinoin

That is what I am trying to evaluate. Is it the best game of all time? I don't think so. Is it a legend, oh yeah.

Right now, playing it has beceme a homework, an assignment, something I must do because I gave my word.

Maybe it was the best game of all time twelve years ago. Maybe it still was five years ago. But now, I am not sure. It is a great game, a legend, a milestone in gaming, but I am not sure it is still the best game ever.

Just give me some more time to finish it and I will give you my final opinion