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HappySqurriel said:
selnor said:
Good controls dont mean motion sensing. Some motion games are good others crap. FPS is far better with analogs. Anyways, A good game is a balance of the power in a system used right and good contols. Not one or the other.

So I guess my answer is:
1 without the other is a flawed game.

I could understand a statement like "Fighting games are better with conventional controllers" but FPS?

My main complaint with games like Bioshock and Halo 3 is they don't have the Wiimote which is far better than analogue sticks for a FPS; the keyboard and mouse is still king, but I would say that it is not that much better than the Wiimote nunchuck setup.


Well every1 will differ with what controls they prefer. So no arguement from me.

Just personally I am far more natural with analogs.