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PS3beats360 said:

"PS3 to make the greatest sales comeback in history of console sales wars"

The PS3 may not be able to catch the Wii, around 30 million behind it but it could be a closer gap than we may expect. Anyway its not the sales comparison of PS3 and Wii I want to make in this thread. It is the PS3 versus XBox 360 console sales comparison.

PS3 will comeback by outselling the XBox 360 in console sales wars. The gap between PS3 and 360 is between 7.5 million to 8 million. 360 was launched a year ahead of the PS3 with a 5.5 million to 6 million lead. 360 is half the price of the PS3 and yet it only has slightly outsold the PS3 by a mere 300k for first 20 weeks in 2009 around 15k per week on average. PS3 has remained at the same price of $399 for almost two years and it has sold around 22.5 million systems at or greater than $399.

PS3 leads the 360 when we align their sales launches for first 30 months PS3 and 360 have sold on the market.  We see PS3 has actually sold 3.4 million units more than 360 for first 30 months of its life. Sony brand power for you helping pushing PS3 sales.

You all want to know how the PS3 will comeback to outsell the XBox 360. Let me tell you all. PS3 has a long list of exclusive games to be released: God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, MAG, FF Versus XIII combine this with price cut very soon in the near future, PS3 Slim and 10 year lifespan. Expect PS3 to outsell XBox 360 in lifetime console sales. PS3 will beat the 360 in console sales ltd. PS3 also has a lot of huge exclusive games already on the market: Uncharted, Resistance 1 & 2, Ratchet and Clank:ToD, WarHawk, Heavenly sword, Valyrie Chronicles, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, Little Big Planet and the biggest games of them all Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 games that are worthy of PS3 purchase on their own. The multi-platform games past, present and future are on par or better on PS3 and the online play is free with PS3 through PSN which makes online gaming affordable for PS3 owners.

History will look back on this as being the greatest comback in history of console sales wars.

My closing words to all the doubters out there: "Just you all wait and see"


 So i just have one question?  What are you goina do if the PS3 never does what you say it will and it never outsells the 360??