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Seems to be something that VGC was previously lacking, any sort of online interface for pokemaniacs.

The rules of the trading center are relatively simple, especially to anyone who is familiar with the concept of the Global Trading Station from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Make a post in the thread asking for a specific pokemon you're after (and level range, specific moves, shinies, etc.). It would also be helpful if you made a shortlist of what you were willing to offer for the pokemon in question. Once the transaction goes through, edit your post to make it known that the deal was accepted and is no longer open.

Anyone interested in the offer being made should message that user (PM, IM, Wall, whatever) to start up the necessary dialogue (finalize terms of the trade, friend code exchange, etc)

Hopefully this will provide a more personal touch than the faceless anonymity of the GTS, make the whole process a bit more pleasant, and bring together pokemon fans across the VGC Community.

Here is my example (as well as the first offer. so please, respond if interested)
I would like a Spiritomb. Preferably one with the moves Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse, or a freshly caught (untrained, base lvl) Spiritomb. My primary offer would be a Shiny Graveler, freshly caught from Stark Mountain (the problem being that, upon being traded, it would evolve into a Shiny Golem, so that's really the offer, i suppose)

The GTS pulled through for me, surprisingly enough. I wasn't aware that you could search for shinies, but someone with a freshly hatched Spiritomb found it.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.