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Jski said:
GG shizzlee what did you think of my zss and sheik? They are the ones i work on most of the time. I still cant pull off a lot of there tricks but i am working on it!

ZSS is your best character in my opinion.  It was like as if you just got really good really fast or something after my Luigi beated your Kirby two times in a row.  You switched to ZSS and made my Mario, Luigi, and Fox look bad.  I had to use to Falco in a more defensive style in order to win instead of me being aggressive like I am all the time.  I was caught off guard O.O  Your Zelda/Shiek combination is good and they give my Mario and Fox trouble but for some reason my Luigi almost always ends up victorious :D  Still, wow at your ZSS beating me three times in a row. I'm surprised Falco was able to win since he's my worst character out of the main four that I use.

Third member of the Sonic Support Squad.  Member of the Fierce Fox Force.

Click Sonic for my main Youtube channel :D