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Kantor said:
linlhutz said:
Kantor said:
linlhutz said:
MrBubbles said:
they shouldnt have released the demo. the poor controls and aiming turned people off, reducing the sales.

Exactly! I have been saying this for a while.


A FPS with terrible controls = FAILURE


That is why I hate KZ2. That is why I hate Resistance: Fall of Man.


That is why I absolutely love Resistance 2 - They finally got the controls figured out.

If they ever fix KZ2 controls, I will give it another look.  

As it is, pass.



Please tell 70 reviewers and 1.4 million people that the controls of Killzone 2 suck. The poor saps seem to think it's an awesome game, with perfectly good controls.

Don't you pity them?

Why would I have to tell them anything? I played the demo and  think the controls stink.

Am I supposed to care more about what reviewers think over my own opinion?

Your opinion is fine. I'm not objecting to the fact that you are completely unable to adjust to a new control scheme, I am objecting to the fact that you think everyone thinks the controls suck. They really don't. I don't understand how I can use the controls with ease, and yet you have so much difficulty.

I guess my opinion is not fine then?

It's what I gave. You took it to mean I feel everyone thinks the controls stink.

No. It is my own opinion. I never said everyone thinks the controls stink.

I said I do.


At what point in my previous posts did I mention my opinion is what everyone else thinks?

Currently Playing:
Resistance 2 Co-op (anyone call for a Medic?)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
F.E.A.R. (PC)

Currently Ignoring:
My 360 and Wii.