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Spankey said:
linlhutz said:
MrBubbles said:
they shouldnt have released the demo. the poor controls and aiming turned people off, reducing the sales.

Exactly! I have been saying this for a while.


A FPS with terrible controls = FAILURE


That is why I hate KZ2. That is why I hate Resistance: Fall of Man.


That is why I absolutely love Resistance 2 - They finally got the controls figured out.

If they ever fix KZ2 controls, I will give it another look.  

As it is, pass.



Yeah. You'd have thought that with that budget GG would at least have put in multiple control schemes, or even sensitivity adjustments...oh wait.

Hell, even I got used to the controls.

An inability do do so is imo either attributable to stubbornness or an inability to adjust and learn new things, neither of which unfortunately can be cured by GG.


The fact that you said "even I got used to the controls" shows that even you think the controls are screwed up.


So why is there a delay then? What purpose does it serve?

Can't GG figure out that when I press the analog stick I expect something to happen?

Is it too much to ask for?

Is it a radical new concept for FPS - responsive controls?



Currently Playing:
Resistance 2 Co-op (anyone call for a Medic?)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
F.E.A.R. (PC)

Currently Ignoring:
My 360 and Wii.