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GE (General Electric)

Description: An American multi conglomerate that is in more markets than any other company. It is essentially a much, much larger version of Sony. They make things varying from transistors to home appliances to power supplies to engines for planes. They also own NBC and Universal studios.

Why they might enter: They have a yearly profit greater than most countries GDP and are constantly looking to expand. They are at war with Sony on several fronts and recently has been on the offense (which some believe explains Universals decision to stay HD ). If the PS3 does well this generation then it’s definitely in GE’s interest to try and hurt the PS4. They have also worked with IBM in the past.

Problems: GE loves new markets and the company is all about electronics; however, GE typically deals with industrial electronic markets, not consumer electronics.

Yes or No?: Not at this time. If Microsoft backs out and there is a void to be taken, GE might hop in, or at least form a venture with another company that wants to.