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Xxain said:
whats a good mic setting

I'm not sure.  Maybe not open mic   I think it depends on your kit.  Could people hear me better today?

Just remembered another funny bit.  On the Collections game on Lost City, I think it was Marcio and I in a jeep, and we had a couple of tokens on us.  I was driving, and rushing back to base as it was a tough game.  Some random noob was running right up the middle of the road towards us, oblivious, and I just ran him straight over and said something like, "Sorry dude, but you should have got out of the way."!!  People should be following the game.  If he had, he would have known we had some tokens, and that they were heading back to base.  He should have been running for the anti-air cannon or something.  Instead, he runs right up the middle of the road.  It was a pretty funny team kill.  Also, we got the tokens back safely.

Thanks to Dogs for showing up too.  Hope to see you again soon.  In that CTF game, I was taking a back seat and picking off people with the binoculars.  I seem to remember getting you a few times!

Finally, I think I should be able to host again next weekend. 

PSN - hanafuda