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The idea that the PS3 could be saved by an unknown announcement made at E3 2008/2009 is absurd. May I remind you that while E3 has alot of power of influence that power is not only dwindling its becoming fairly innaffective.

Also what could Sony possibly announce that would have the ability to shift sales? (Lets see)

Price cut to 300$ (Wouldn't do much because the competition would also cut their prices as a responce)

Announce a new cheaper model (Same idea as above)

Announce a new model with improved features (Well its sales may recieve a slight boost but nothing monumental)

Announce a killer AAA+ solid line up (Boost sales temporarily but would not catch it up to Wii)

Announce the end of PlayStation3


Well now some may jump on my announce a killer AAA+ line-up and say that it could infact boost hardware sales. Well thats highly unlikely because any AAA+ titles that would hit the PS3 now are likely multiplatform or 1st party. Fact is even if the PS3 recieved a boost of about 10-million consoles over the next year Nintendo's Wii would likely match those sales even if it only had a mediocre line-up. The fact is casual games are pushing the Wii really hard and with the inclusion of hardcore games this fall the Wii is potentially stronger then ever.

Another narly fact. Microsoft opennly stated that they were going to kick the trend of five year console life cycles. Now think what that means? , how many years has the 360 been out now (2) with 2008 being the third year. Isn't it about that time when Microsoft begins to roll out the red carpet for its next console? I mean if the console is going to meet its projected date in 2009 then an unvieling is due within the next year which could potentially kill off any momentum such a PS3 E3 announcement could make! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer