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famousringo said:
andrewpeirce said:

It seems like very generation in video games, there are more quality games that focus mainly on violence and sex. There have pretty much always been violence and sex in games- in my opinion the quality and quantity of these games began to rise in the Snes era, and have not stopped. We are not at the point where you can simulate virtual murder by going through motion sensitive murder gestures that initiate gruesome murders on your TV. Whats happening to gaming? Whats causing this?

I have a couple guesses, and none of them are mutually exclusive.

The first is that, as video game graphics get better, it is easier to represent sex and vilence in games. For example, GTA was portably not possible until last gen.

Another guess is that people are just curious about violence or aspects of violence, and are trying to understand it. This could be especially true in games such as Call of Duty.

Yet another guess is that society in general is become morally corrupt. For example, there is a banner add on this website that has a partially naked woman. No one, including myself, thinks anything of this banner I bet. IT's just the way it is. Perhaps that is happening with video games as well; as violence and sexuality become more accepted in society, these ideas become more prevelant in the game.

My last guess is that the number of violent and sexual games is increasing because there is a market for it. This on is pretty obvious though :P

Please note that I am not for banning violent or sexual video games, though I am morally opposed to games such as Leisure suit Larry: Magnu Cam Laude or Manhunt.

What do you think is causing the increase in sexuality and violence in gaming?

I'm not sure where you live, but here in North America violent crime rates have been falling pretty steadily. So I don't think you can argue that society is becoming more violent. The most linked causes of violent crime are poverty and youth. Since the population has been getting older and richer, society had been getting less violent, not more.

As to sexuality, I would challenge you to argue that sexuality is somehow inherently immoral. I doubt you'll be able to do so without logical fallacies. I have no idea why pictures of naked women are more offensive to Western society than graphic murders. Nobody has ever died from boobies.

Let the church say Amen...


John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot