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Narfer said:
NorthStar said:

Ok you say the Wii is no les than the 360. If you mean "fun" wise great everyone has thier own taste. I too think the Wii is Fun. Nintendo does gear there games toward a diverse audience not "hardcore gamers",But saying there is a slight insignificance of the Graphics.... Thats like a 360 owner arguing that their motion sensing is only slightly less responsive than the Wii mote(yes i know i said the 360 ).Anyway all I was trying to say is Nintendo wants that system to appeal to everyone. That will be hard to market as a System for everyone and "hardcore" gamers too. My main point is why would you have to feel like you have to defend it from being a Kid console honestly look around Kids know how to have fun. The Wii in the End is just NOT the same as a PS3 or a 360 not in the same class. Not a lower or higher class just different,and maybe not what is considered "next-Gen" as the tech isn't a new level (significantly above PS2 or X-box).To say Graphics mean nothing though thats kinda harsh and maybe misguided I know alot of people that Graphics matter ALOT to. It is great that if you do not care about a significant graphic a speed and storage upgrade to your game console and online isn't that big a deal for you. A wii is a great machine for you and many more. Lastly WiiGirl76 if all you nought on the PS2 wereRPG's you missed alot of GREAT games. Hopethepunctuation didn't offend anyone this time oops:P

Well... Is not hard core gamers included in "everyone?" Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't everyone... EVERYONE? Wii is made to target everyone, and it does. I am a hardcore gamer. I like every type of game and can be critical of any of them, and I must say, the Wii is for hardcore gamers, along with many other gamers.

Just because the Wii is the only console with pure fun games on it (games that have no real meaning or anything, but simply fun) doesnt mean its not also for hardcore gamers. I am a huge hardcore gamer and must say, I love games like warioware and wii sports/play (especially that tank game on wii play with a partner. thats great). Games like CoD, MoH, Godfather, excite truck, Madden (especially madden), and all the sports games are just as hardcore, and in manys opinion (such as mine) more hardcore as the other consoles versions. Also possible future Wii games like GTA will be just as good on the Wii, if not better (see godfather).

How can the Wii not be considered a next gen when it made the biggest leap of any of the consoles? How is it not more hardcore when it actually can put you into a game if you dont let pride stop you? I'll defend that the Wii is a hardcore gamers console to the end not just because it is, but because when I say the Wii is the only console I intend to get rather games like GTA come out for it or not, and then let someone say its not a hardcore gamers console, thats like saying I'm not a hardcore gamer. On the contrary, I'm a huge hardcore gamer who likes any type a game and probably has less of a life than anyone here. Video games are my life, as pathetic as that may be, I dont give a shit.

I believe that, heh...Sorry, but the Wii did not make the biggest leap imo.  I think if anything it's an equal leap with the PS3 but in a different direction.  The PS3 dominates folding@home already with more than half of the workload.  That's some serious power for a console.  That's a leap.  It could well come to be that including blu-ray prices the mass market out of buying the console, too.  That's a leap.  The "leap" is graphics and how much can be on the screen and how realistic the games can be is a big leap.  Any style that is done on the Wii can be done on the PS3.  The only leap the Wii made was the control scheme.  That is certainly a leap of faith but it's not like it's too risky considering there are still buttons and buttons could be translated to simple motions like they are for most games.  Oh, and you continually understimate the PS3's motion detection, but whatever. Different direction, but the Wii doesn't have everything and it can't do near the things that PS3 can do. 

You are right about the Wii having "hardcore" games, but some gametypes will just be better on the other 2 consoles.