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Rules that I can see: (In Order as best I can tell)
2 Mana drawn per turn
Chose an attack.
Play a card, deal with effects. (Play X cards?)
Cards drawn (?)

Subtypes: Quickness. (Attacks first, even if a counter), counter attack on all attacks if the defense arrows match. First blow to fatal stops any counter, otherwise quickness is worthless. OTher subtypes I can't read.

Placing on same element type gains +2 hp for creature card.
Creatures have base effects and support effects. Minimum damage is 0.

Cost possibly determined by amount for on right field or not (Two numbers, one large, one small?) No visible defense despite having an effect on gameplay.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.