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Well ,in the announcement of the price cut for the PS3 console the webpage Meristation (biggest one in spanish ) had some words with James Armstrong ,chief of product for the south of Europe .I give you the link

 Now we go to this part to see the sales data he provided :

James Armstrong, Vicepresidente Senior del Sur de Europa asegura que PS3 ha vendido en nuestro país más de 250.000 unidades y las previsiones para esta campaña de Navidad se estiman en aproximadamente 425.000 unidades.

Translation ;James Armstrong ,vicepresident senior of south europe assures the PS3 has sold in Spain more than 250 000 units and that the previsions for this christmas campaign are estimated in about 425 000 units .

 So here you have it ,the PS3 is above 250 000 units in Spain ,nearly equal with the Wii and way ahead already of the 360 .