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Kwaad said: I just looked at shipment totals. And was thinking. The Wii came to America in 3 shipment phases. Launch, 2nd and 3rd wave. If you look at the numbers in japan on it's launch stuff... It wouldn't surprise me if nintendo ships more Wii's to japan... And what I'm referring to on that it wouldn't surprise me if there are 250-350k wii's shipped/sold in January.However looking at sony's numbers... and the fact the PS3 IS selling fairly well... it wouldn't surprise me if it has closed the gap stateside. Because you gotta rember... every PS3 sale is like 2 Wii sales. So if the PS3 sells even 200,000 It's not exactly bad. If it sells the exact same as the Wii. It's a win for sony. If it sells more than the wii. I will say this now. Goodbye Wii. Soldout or not. The PS3 is a beast. Everyone can admit. Once the PS3 gets established... We know what will happen. The same thing that happens when the most expensive console gets established. It reigns supreme. Now I dont think it will quite stamp the Wii out. I'm not gonna sell my Wii. I still wanna play MP3. And hopefully if Nintendo does it. a new pikman. And the Super Smash. However... If the PS3 starts outselling the Wii... big budget games will defiantly be PS3. As it can then be ported to 360. A big budget game on the Wii... is exclusive. (someone mentioned games like transformers coming to the Wii. Quick point on that. I will be surprised if it is the same game as PS3/360. I'm thinking it will be like multi platform games on the DS. Totally different.) Now on that point. They might be better... might not. But usually it's lower budget than the true multiplatform version.
I don't understand your logic behind the "PS3 sales is like 2 Wii Sales"?? It doesn't make any sense. also the "if the PS3 starts outselling the Wii... big budget games will come to the PS3" comment makes me think of "What came first, the chicken or the egg" PS3 sales will not pick up till Big Budget games are made for the PS3, but Big Budget games won't be made till more PS3 are sold. See the flaw??

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