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if the wii has a good majority this generation i will be happy.


 because it will show that the people- in the majority- want a GAMING console that does almost exclusively GAMES.


not a weak ass computer that is limited in what it can do graphically.

for the record MOST gaming i do, i do on the PC since the graphics on the PC i have is superior to both the 360 and the ps3. 

for online(nongaming related), web browsing, etc., that is what a computer is for- a game console is just for that- gaming. 


atleast one game "expert" formerly from ID software(romero) has said that the wii "format" for the gaming console is going to be the format that is going to win. a gaming console that the major function is to play games, not to be a pc in the living room, which is what the ps3 and 360 are tending towards. if i wanted a pc in the living room, well damn it i'd PUT one of my PC's in the living room-next to my wii