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From reading this thread it is painfully apparent that a number of members have a poor memory. The community spent years following links, and reading the same data from multiple independent sources. Those often being reputable journalists. So I am sorry if you think your an expert, but I will take the word of someone who actually works in the industry.

Especially since they are not following an agenda, or have the decency to try and minimize any bias that they have. Does anyone remember when the obscene budget for this game was seen as almost a status symbol. Hell I remember one member saying if a game has a budget two to three times bigger then the best game on the market it had to be two or three times better.

Beyond that you can always debate how the retail price is divided amongst the players. Honestly I think it is probably far from the rosy picture some imagine. There is a reason that developers do not spend this kind of money on titles out side of a massive online game. That reason being it just isn't profitable. Not that this game being profitable itself was ever the goal. The goal was to have this game move hardware.

The game very well might have, but it is a story of mismanagement. This game needed to arrive last year, or the previous year when it could have done the console a lot of good. More so it would have done the games sales good. Even the saved time could have seen the game getting a sequel in a timely manner this generation. Now it will probably arrive after the next generation has started. So it is either take it there or keep it here.