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Its been an off-and-on process for the past few months. Except for my playthrough of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and Sonic Chronicles, my DS has been completely devoted to chasing that damn thing all over Sinnoh. It got down to the point where chasing Mesprit was my default time-waster.


I'll admit i went about it the wrong way. My team isn't built for capturing pokemon, just for KOing them. My only move for paralysis was my Luxray's Spark, with its 15% paralysis chance, but i eventually wore Mesprit down to the point where one more hit from Spark would kill it. I didn't feel like raising something specifically for this purpose, so i just wondered around, pitching Ultra Balls and Dusk Balls at it, and i eventually lucked out with a Dusk Ball.


I've been chasing that thing for so long that i have no idea what i had planned to do afterwards. But now i want to return to Stark Mountain to catch Heatran.

Quite a painstaking process, though, damn.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.