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Max King of the Wild said:
squil - id still put the dev and market cost down a bit. but as it stands its the most reasonable one yet.

on marketing cost - the reason i say lower isnt any data i have but for this reason... wasnt Halo 3s ad campaign 30million? 30million would put kz2s campaign 2/3rds of Halo 3s... and Halo 3s was HUGE. They had MD flavor AND I remember seeing ads run on prime time on the most notable channels. I never saw a KZ2 ad. the reason is because the advertized on cable channels (which i dont get).

basically i dont see how the ad campaign is close to Halo 3s... at least here in USA



I have to agree with this...  Outside of rabid fans on forums, I probably never woudl have even heard of Killzone.

Believing in the PLAYSTATION®3......IS.......S_A_C_R_I_L_E_G_E