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Max King of the Wild said:
squil - id still put the dev and market cost down a bit. but as it stands its the most reasonable one yet.

on marketing cost - the reason i say lower isnt any data i have but for this reason... wasnt Halo 3s ad campaign 30million? 30million would put kz2s campaign 2/3rds of Halo 3s... and Halo 3s was HUGE. They had MD flavor AND I remember seeing ads run on prime time on the most notable channels. I never saw a KZ2 ad. the reason is because the advertized on cable channels (which i dont get).

basically i dont see how the ad campaign is close to Halo 3s... at least here in USA

Halos Ad campaign cost more than the game to develop. But yeah 40M is high I was satisfying the nay sayers. I used to be one of the people who said it cost bla bla amount but I did some research so I know its less than $40,000,000 but I cannot tell by how much.

As for the total, $60M is high but the fact that the numbers work for a high estimate proves my point that the game is likely profitable even if they want to factor in the kitchen sink.

