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Max King of the Wild said:
the steve - first 6 months of KZ2 development they didnt have a full team. I'd say about 30 people were working on KZPSP. 30 people on a 1.5 year development time would put a PSP game about 4.5 million a little less though cause 30 people wont need to be present the full 1.5 year and it might be shorter than 1.5 years... so since KZPSP was in development during KZ2's development it would be impossible to have the full 120 men on KZ2. Hence 95 people for 6 months.

with me still?



This is "the way you see it", and doesn't make having to pay those guys go away or anything like that.... Why don't you just answer "I refuse to believe this game is not making tones of money for Sony, and has singlehandedly changed this console generation, and I will argue this point in any way possible, regardless of the logic involved.  I will ask you to explain how the figures presented as fact can work, then I will try to pick apart your explanation as though it will somehow invalidate the actual numbers."

What your arguing does not change the fact that KZ2 isn't making any money yet...  You can come up with a scenario in which only 20 people were working on it all this time, it doesn't change anything.  You asked for an explanation because you didn't believe that $60m was possible...  You got one, and you're chewing apart the explanation as if it matters.  Ridiculous.

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