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From what I understand the article is pointing out that the game was a flop. For two of the three criteria it is correct. The game failed financially, and the game failed to live up to the hype. The third criteria of quality remains intact. I must honestly concur with the assessment, and if someone turns off their blinders they must concede the same.

Others have said it games are not fifty percent profit. In fact you will be lucky to get a fifteen percent profit. Once development ceases the counter continues to grow. You have taxes, manufacturing, packaging, shipping, advertising, support staff, management, and of coarse a reasonable profit percentage for retailers. Then the profit must first pay for the development debt.

We worked the math months ago, and their arithmetic for the price is spot on with all I have read. This game needs to sell in excess of six million units at full price. At half price within three months, and your probably looking at closer to ten million sales. All of this just to break even, and to actually start making money.

Which brings me to criteria number two. This game might have gotten the sales had the hype machine worked. It would have been a stretch to get over thirty percent of owners on board, but there are a few games that have come close this generation, and one of those titles is Halo 3. Which is what this game was to be for this console, and has failed miserably at replicating. Now I am not blaming the game. I have seen the reviews, and those are exceptional scores.

I am blaming the owners for not purchasing the game, and that underlines a real question. First has the marketing failed? Three years was a long time to drum up interest. Does this reflect the user base of the console as a whole? It is a very rare game that actually breaks four million units sold on the PS3. I have to ask is the PS3 user base so anemic as to not be able to support the kind of success we see on a 360 or even the Wii?

That has to be the real question it is either one or the other, because the game does have the quality. Which is failing the marketing, or is it being directed at deaf ears.