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jellyfishprince said:

pros for nintendo:

- they get direct revenue $$$ not a precentage of 3rd party
- they get control over periperals and marketing
- 1st party games will not be multi-plat therefor it benefits nintendo


i have yet to find any cons? and opeople keep saying it is a bad thing? can someone please explain! how does not having a lineup of wii sports, wii music and wii fit be worth losing for like gta4.. who wants that we have mario kart also?? i dont see the importance of why nintendo needs 3rd party support. maybe they needed it when they console was failing (like gamecub) but they do not need it for the wii. please discuss


edit: i actually realized that nintendo has the mst 3rd party support now that i think of it?? wii cheer? wonder babiez? barnyard games? why are people complaining then



1) Because it generates a continued stream of revenus for Nintendo w/o engaging any funds (that's called royalties). Quite obviously, it's better for Nintendo if some of the royalties from Guitar Hero or any E.A. Sports titles go in their pocket, rather than in MS's or Sony's pockets.

2) Because it's a way for the Wii to be "present" even when Nintendo isen't releasing any new titles (and currently, if you except the rerelease of Pikmin & co, there isen't much from Nintendo).

3) Because Nintendo lack the resources or the skills to cover every genres by itself, and having other doing it for you is a good way to keep your customers satisfy.

4) Because some strong licences happen to be important. Wii Music was a failure, Guitar Hero is a hit. How much will youngs use the Wii if all the Harry Potters and cartoon-games they likes are on other consoles ? They will buy/use this other console instead of the Wii.

5) Because Nintendo might remember what happened to Sega for not having EA and other major 3rd parties.

6) Because it's alway best to keep good relation with 3rd parties. You might need them.


It's an advantage to have 3rd parties and given the radical change of Nintendo policy in this matter, they are perfectly aware of that.