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Kantor said:
That was an extremely ignorant article.

Firstly, where did they get that 40 million euros figure, other than out of their you know what, and secondly, Killzone 2 was never going to increase year on year sales. In case hasn't noticed, it's a $400 in a recession, with or without a not-particularly-original (although fantastic) first person shooter.

Apparently the original budget was over $21 million, and that was before the delays:

Also, the advertising budget was over $3 million for the UK alone:

So without considering extra budget for delays, budget creep and advertising in other countries, KZ2 cost at the very least $24 million. I wouldn't be surprised if 40 million euros was pretty close to the truth, even if there isn't hard data saying so. Advertising alone should add many millions to that.


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