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well who would have thought it. back when this wa snnounced at the 2008 october conference many felt that this was simply a filler title, a game of medium quality to tide wii owners over until the next big EAD release.  instead we find that this is nintendo's first big release of the year, their killzone 2/Halo Wars as it were.

The game from NLG has is AAA is both quailty and marketing push amd so will hopfully achieve great sales. is 3 million out of the question? there are now 5 AAA nintendo published games on wii as opposed to 8 (excluding zelda remakes/ports)  on gamecube and 13 on the N64. at the end of its lifetime howm many do you think there will be?  althought metacritic is not the be all and end all of game quality and there is an argument for the term being meaningless. Nevertheless it is a good measure of whether nintnedo has truly ''abandoned the hardcore'' or not.

so what do you think the next AAA nintnedo game will be? do you think the freshness of motionplus help wii sports resort achieve it? perosnall i think that WSR will get about 82 on metacritic and that pikmin 3 will be the nest one. but after the surprise of punchout,  maybe S&P2 has a shot







 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia