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The factors that would define if it is or not (have already been mentioned, but reiterated)
1. It needs to be longer than Mario64/Sunshine
2. It needs to have quite a few hard levels (shouldn't be too worried about this one, since we have only seen the first few levels of the game that introduce the controls)

that is all

and for people worried about 1up, in their latest preview they wrote

"What we like: The bee suit is a welcome addition that hearkens back to the crazy animal-based power-ups from Super Mario 3. And we're banking on plenty of other possible suits as well; the bee power seems very specific to a certain set of honeycomb-themed spheres, and even the tiny glimpse we've been given of the game suggests a ton of diversity in the environments.

But most of all, we simply love the way the game feels. Many gamers are of the opinion that Super Mario Sunshine strayed too far from the fundamentals of the series by focusing so heavily on the water cannon/jet pack, but Galaxy puts the emphasis right back on jumping and stomping foes. The controls are tight and the graphics are crisp, if not exactly a dead ringer for top-of-the-line Xbox 360 visuals. And tiny references to games past are everywhere, from the usual coins, to Goombas of unusual size, to "?" blocks that appear as crystalline squares that can be kicked around the levels as weapons or stomped on to yield rewards.

What we dislike: Not much, actually -- Galaxy is unconventional, but it absolutely feels like Mario. The camera angles can be a little tricky, although that's by design. Still, we wouldn't mind having a little more direct control over how we see the game. And there really needs to be some way to get revenge on a second player who keeps screwing you up by freezing you in place while enemies are near or wasting your stars. (Besides a well-deserved punch to the face.) "

I don't think there is much to worry about there, gamespot however ....