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Most people do not comprehend that the internet is a public forum by design. What you say does not evaporate into the aether. Your only privacy is your anonymity. Once you say something it basically lasts until it is purged from the system. So with enough money, and a little effort you can obtain any chat log your heart so desires.

I judge these situations on merit. This is morally neutral. One poster is gossiping. The proof being a chat log doesn't change what it is. It just removes a chance to bullshit ones way out of it. Can we be overly harsh how many of us haven't gossiped about a private conversation. As always with such things its a personal judgment as to whether to share, or what good comes of it.

The other poster is lying, and engaging in identity theft. Proclaiming they have a title, and are a representative for others. That is just fraudulent behavior. Not only should they be ashamed that they did so, but they should be even more ashamed that they were utterly pathetic at doing so. Word to the wise a lie is only as good as the liar telling it. Bad liars shouldn't lie they will just be immediately caught and mocked.

Both did something repugnant, but I am not going to mock or treat either with disdain. When you are unscrupulous shit has a way of blowing back on you. Which is worse the one offering incentive, or the one snatching it. Both were in it for their own personal gain.