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JRPGs are first and foremost made for - you guessed it- the Japanese. Japanese are well known pussy gamers these days.

But the fact is JRPGs used to be quite challenging.

Did you ever play Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest) Dragon Quest 4 must be one of the all time hardest jrpgs. Have you finished Phantasy Star 2 for the Genesis? Final Fantasy 1 for NES anyone? The first Final Fantasy is not that hard, but compared to the ones from the 16bit era onwards is like rock against eggs. Not to say 16 bit-era JRPGs are all easy as cake, Breath of Fire 1 anyone? That game is HARD.

Games like Ogrebattle, Final Fantasy Tactics and Front Mission are not walks in the park either. Xenogears was quite challenging. You can find many examples, but it's true it's not been the trend to make HARD jRPGs like we old-schoolers used to play back in the day. And last gen and this current gen? pffft, child's play.