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I don't get it? You know Gamestation and GAME are one and the same company right? Just a different name above the door.
That may be, but the fact still remains that Gamestation always have better deals for me. I get nothing but awesome deals at GS: Fresh copies of Madworld and Sonic Black Knight for £17.49 (will probably pick up Madworld), Ninja Gaiden II for £9.99 fresh, just awesome deals all around basically.
GAME on the other hand still sell preowned copies of Red Steel for £30, RED STEEL!! What are you doing!! Gamestation still have a section for GC titles, and the odd rare GC game that i want may just pop up. GAME gave up on GC, even when we were in that era, GAME never had anything i wanted. Not to mention GAME lack the almighty glass cabinet that houses the retro gems. no, sorry but Gamestation > GAME

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