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jjseth said:
gamingdevil said:
jjseth said:
Peter Potamus said:
I have a question, do any of you think that the general consumer who has a PS2 would care if the 40gb PS3 has BC?


Short answer. No. Go and make it your mission to go and ask someone you know that isn't a big hardcore gamer and has a PS2 if they care if they wouldn't be able to play their PS2 games on a PS3 if they bought it. Some of you may be a bit surprised by the answers.

There are people who want to play PS2 games in HD because PS2 looks like crap in HDTV i've said it a trillion times.

The PS2 always looked fine to me on my HDTV and it didn't stop me from playing it or watching it for more then 3 years. I honestly didn't see much of a difference by playing Socom 2 on my PS3 compared to the PS2.


Gamingdevil, this challenge goes to you as well. Find a friend who is not a hardcore or avide gamer that has a PS2 and ask him/her if it's important to him/her for the PS3 to play those old games. See what they say and don't interrupt them and try to influence them before they give their answer.

What is a harcore or avid gamer? You originally made your choice of PS3 model because you wanted the EE chip, right? Are you an avid gamer?