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I just read the review of the 300th VC game Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask and felt the need to promote it a little.


If you haven't played this game yet then now is the time. (If you haven't played Ocarina of Time yet then shame on you, now buy that as well )  Trust me when I say that this is a wonderful game with the A+ gameplay from Ocarina of Time, superb music, scenes that you will remember for ages, a huge world, ultra fun temples...I could go on for hours.

While the main game is lengthy there is also other things to do that will keep you playing for a long time, like completing the Bombers notebook, getting all the masks and of course, finding all the heart pieces.


The new Zelda Wii that everyone longs for is still far, far away, so while waiting spend 10 bucks on this one.


For the IGN review: