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RPGJock said:
So wait he is saying that if you don't at least sell 5% to the market, it not worth it. That is a very bold interesting statement. I always know that is what developers are always aiming at that 5% attach rate but to say its not worth it...


No, he said this: "Is there space in the Wii market for that? I think there is, but again, it’ all about finding out how big that is. Is it 5 per cent? If it’s five per cent of the market and you can own that space it’s worth doing because you can achieve volume. If you can’t own it at five per cent, it’s not worth doing"

He's not claiming they need to sell at least 5%. That would be needing to sell 2.5 million copies, which most HD games don't even need.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs