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It's because the site is growing. This was a fear I've had for quite some time, and I even expressed my concerns to naz about a year ago.

As websites grow in size and in popularity, you have far more stealth trolls posting borderline comments that we can't really do anything about. And because the site is much larger, mods aren't as well acquainted with each user, so we lose that personal touch. It's not longer 100% obvious to us if a user does nothing but troll, and thus we should send them the way of Hus, and it's not as obvious to us when one user "trolls" as a joke, and it's completely out of their character to do so normally. In general, we don't know the users as well, so we don't always know when we should just go straight to a permaban, or when we shouldn't have banned at all.

We're nearing a point where every post will have to be compared strictly to the ToS. If they break the ToS, we ban. It will become a very black and white system eventually, much like that of GameSpot, and it'll probably lead to people getting banned unjustly (I was perma-banned from GameSpot for the stupidest reason ever).

Sadly, that's the way things go. This used to be a niche community for people that really cared to discuss and analyze sales numbers. Now it's becoming just another popular video game forum.