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kber81 said:

@ Narfer

I think visual side of this game won't be a problem as long as some idiots try to compare it to PS3... RE for PSP will be at least 5 time more successful than DS version. And yes graphics will be awesome as for handheld - especially for lamers who get used to 67MHz CPU in DS and thinks graphic doesn't sell games.

umm, HUH?

Did you even read that? You need to do a little proof reading sometime, that was hard to make sense, and I ASS-U-ME that your first sentence meant to say "as long as some idiots dont try to compare it to the PS3."  Yea, and I thought we have been over the graphics thing, and as of now, nintendo has the weaker graphical product for both handheld and console, yet, is dominating both wars. In fact, the DS is beating out the PSP so bad that you dont even hear about the PSP anymore. So until the sony product starts to at least compete with Nintendos, I dont see how you can say graphics sell games. And I think myself and my brothren are taking offense to calling people who like to play games and have fun doing it "lamers." Your paying more money for a same old same old product that is losing all its support for the much intuitive and still classic at the same time, Nintendo products, whos the "lamer" now?

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.